Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wettest May month in Sydney in seven years

This morning I read in our newspaper that the month of May was the wettest month in Sydney in seven years. I'm glad because this means the past few weeks were unusual. I really started to worry.

Today we have a dry day. Thank god! I even managed to play tennis this morning and I just spent some time outside reading a book which was nice. More showers are expected this week. I hope we are not heading for another record breaking rain month.

Due to the rain we have not been able to read our newspaper for a few days because of the very bad throwing skills of the newspaper boy. Instead of throwing them under the car port (an area big enough not to miss) he manages to (deliberately?) make them land exacly in the water stream going down the road resulting in a soaken wet pack of paper. I believe the newspaper boy (we have never seen him.) doesn't like us. The Saturday edition of the Sydney Morning Herald came without the promised car flag for the Australian soccer team (The Socceroos) with Dutch coach Pim Verbeek. 

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Hi, thanks for your comment! Sandra.