Thursday, December 31, 2009

My schedule

What does my schedule look like less then two weeks prior to our departure to Sydney?
  • Try to sell our MG-B. A great car (at least that's what Marcel thinks) but not very practical when you plan to spend a few more years abroad.
  • Go to the post office to send our lightweight Safary Chef (a multi purpose outdoor cooking device) to Australia. It weights only 5 kg. It's impossible to sell it here as it freezes like crazy. Not many people are interested at the moment in outdoor cooking appliances. I wonder why???
  • Sell two kids bikes through, the Dutch version of e-bay. Both kids learned to ride a bike in Holland the past few weeks. I lost a few pounds running after them in the park. In India it was just impossible for them to ride their bikes except for in the living room. I wish I could bring the two bikes to Australia but that's too costly.
  • Trow away a lot of stuff. I'll bring tree suitcases to Australia. Looking around the house, I'm sure I have enough stuff to easily fill five suitcases. Oeps.
Mmm. What else?

Of course, trying to visit as many friends and family as possible. I've been in Holland for almost 2,5 month but time has passed so quickly that I have not yet seen everyone. It's also been a very busy time with Sinterklaas, Sebastiaan's birthday, school, etc. This afternoon I take the kids to the Arnhem Water Museum. I look forward to that.

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Hi, thanks for your comment! Sandra.