Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Eastern hat parade

My son made a beautiful robot hat for the yearly Eastern hat parade at school from a big carton box with a big hole for his face. He asked me if it was suitable for the Eastern hat parade because it had nothing to do with Eastern. I told him that the children would wear all kinds of hats with different themes and that it did not have to be about Eastern. How wrong could I be?

When I arrived at school this morning all children wore hats with Eastern bunnies, Eastern eggs, chickens and many other Eastern related items. Sebastiaan was the only one wearing a carton box over his head looking like a robot. I felt weak in my stomach and felt really, really bad about myself and sorry for my son. Of course, he refused to wear his 'Eastern hat'. His teacher was so nice to give him her pink bunny ears and he quickly forgot about his Robot hat.

I guess I still have a lot to learn about Australian traditions.

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